Turkey's Leader
Product Distribution,
Engineering and
E-commerce Company

Product Distribution
HALICI Group, a leading name in the electronics and telecommunications industry since 1994, has been leading Turkey's transformation in industrial automation and energy solutions. Together with our expert engineering team, we have successfully completed thousands of projects domestically and internationally.

ABB offers quality switchboards and accessories to ensure the final distribution of electrical energy.

ABB Electrification products always feature up-to-date technology and innovative performance.

Specially designed explosion-proof motors and generators provide products suitable for industries.
ABB Instrumentation is a leader with solutions that comply with international standards.
News From Us
Working at HALICI

ABB Elektrifikasyon - ABB Motor - ABB Sürücü - ABB Fiyat Listesi - ABB 2023 Fiyat Listesi - ABB 800xA DCS - ABB AC500 - ABB AC500 ECO - ABB ACS550 Ürünü - ABB ACS880 Fiyat Listesi - ABB Bayi - ABB Bayiileri - ABB Bayileri İstanbul - ABB Combiflex - ABB DCS550 - ABB Drive Fiyat Listesi - ABB Elektrifikasyon Fiyat Listesi - ABB Elektrik Fiyat Listesi - ABB Elektrik Motorları - ABB Enerji - ABB Exproof Motor - ABB Fiyat - ABB Fiyat Listesi - ABB Fiyat Listesi 2022 - ABB Frekans Konvertörü - ABB Güncel Fiyat Listesi - ABB Inverter Fiyat Listesi - ABB Inverter Sürücü - ABB İstanbul Bayileri - ABB Kare Gövde Motor - ABB Kontaktör Fiyat - ABB Liste - ABB MicroSCADA - ABB Motor - ABB Motor Sürücü - ABB Motor Sürücüleri - ABB Otomasyon Fiyat Listesi - ABB PLC Fiyat - ABB PLC Fiyat Listesi - ABB Pompa - ABB PSTX - ABB PSTX Soft Starter - ABB PV - ABB Robot Programlama - ABB Robot Programlama Eğitimi - ABB Satış - ABB Satış Bayileri - ABB SCADA - ABB Servis